We sometimes run deals and special offers that can be redeemed via a Voucher code.
We also occasionally work with Voucher companies such as Group On, Wowcher, Living Social & Go Groupie.
Our Standard Checkout Instructions are …
- Go
into the Online Designer and Personalise the Product with Your Photos and text.
- We
advise clicking Save for Later early on in the design. That way your work is
safely stored and linked to your account and regularly Auto Saves so you don’t
have to worry about losing connection.
- When
you have finished either Save for Later to return to later or Add to Basket
- Saved
Projects can be found in My Projects & Designs
- You
can view your Design from the Shopping Basket by clicking on the thumbnail
image. Clicking Edit takes you back into the Online Designer
- Only one code can be
used 1 per payment transaction. If you have more than one code to use, each will need to be used on separate transactions.
- To
remove a product from the Shopping Basket but keep the Design, click Edit then
in the Online Designer click Save for Later.
- In
the Shopping Basket add the Voucher or Discount Code in the Voucher Code Box
(bottom left of Cart) and click Apply Discount
- To Re-Order a design with the same artwork/design/photos go to My Previous
Purchases … bottom left menu … click on your Order to expand it … then
click on More Details … then Click the Re-order btoon … that way the same
design will go into your Shopping Basket.
- If
you have copied and pasted your code make sure there is not a space after it, a
Discount or Voucher code like a password requires a 100% match.
- The
discount applied will appear to the right below the VAT amount.
- You
will just have the balance to pay on ASK’s Secure Payment Gateway